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Sigma Sigma Sigma | St. John’s University

In 1898, stepping out on a path from Farmville, Virginia, eight young women away from home and family, found each other and began their journey in friendship. These women shared a special bond as friends who regarded each other as sisters. Reaching out to others who joined them on the journey, together, they established a sisterhood called Sigma Sigma Sigma. We find friends within the bonds of Tri Sigma and we regard these friends as sisters. As we enter into a state of being Sisters, we become a Sisterhood. Tri Sigma friendships are built around our core values of faith, hope, love, wisdom and power.

Tri Sigma believes in outreach within our communities.  As a dedicated, caring Sorority, we aim to serve those in need. Many of our efforts revolve around our commitment to “Sigma Serves Children,” as chapters engage in a variety of efforts for the betterment of children around the world. Even more, Tri Sigma’s philanthropy supports hospital play therapy programs for children.

Tri Sigma is focused on advancement and success and we offer valuable leadership and personal development experiences throughout the lifetime of a member. All programming is based on our fundamental mission of establishing a perpetual bond of friendship, developing strong, womanly character and impressing a high standard of conduct.

We invite you to join the Tri Sigma journey as we strive to provide exceptional experiences that will empower women to change the world.